1st 9 Weeks
- can count to 25
- can write numbers 0-6 when presented with that quantity on a dot cube
- can represent quantities 0-6 on a 10-frame.
- can accurately count 6 scattered items
- can sort 8 attribute blocks into 2 categories
- can produce the first sound in a given word
- can blend 2 and 3 syllables into a word
- can segment a sentence into words
- can segment a word into syllables
- can match letters taught-to-date with corresponding sound
- can identify upper/lowercase letters taught-to-date
- can demonstrate listening comprehension
- can make reasonable predictions
- can respond to text by asking and answering questions
- can use new vocabulary words to communicate ideas
- can read sight words taught-to-date in a variety of texts
- can string letters to express thought
- can incorporate beginning sounds in writing for letters already taught
- can draw a picture that corresponds to the writing topic
- can use an uppercase letter to begin a sentence
- can use proper letter formation for letters taught to date
- can hold pencil correctly
- can use punctuation and spacing when prompted
- can select appropriate voice level
- can follow one and two-part oral directions
- can share writing and can "read it" though others can not
- can participate in story revision and brainstorming
- can meet behavior expectations at school and receive a star in the behavior calendar 90% of the time (9 out of 10 days).
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