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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Apples, Apples, Everywhere!

Last week, we began our unit on Apples. I was suprised to see what incredible learning experiences apples lent themselves to! Because of the variety of apples the incredible parents brought in, we were able to sort, count, compare, taste, investigate, and vote on our favorite apple color.

Did you know there is a star inside every apple? Read this story to find out more! http://www.thevirtualvine.com/thelittleredhouse.html

We also learned about Johnny Appleseed and the part he played in planting apple trees all over America.

We followed an apple's life from seed to tree to fruit and learned that it takes a lot to grow an apple! Thank goodness, because we wouldn't want any growing inside our tummies if we accidentally swallowed one! :-)

We will finish up our Apple unit this coming week. Hopefully my camera will be up and running again so that I can post some brilliant student work and offer you a peek inside our busy, busy beehive.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

4 Seasons

During our Four Seasons unit, we learned about what happens during the summer, fall, winter, and spring in our state. We focused on the seasons of an Apple Tree and illustrated the seasons of our own apple trees (inspired by the book Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree).

Test your knowledge with this shape recognition seasons game!http://funschool.kaboose.com/preschool/games/game_can_you_place_me.html

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

5 Senses Unit

5 Senses Teddy Bear

We had so much fun exploring our 5 senses last week! Check out the precious '5 Senses Bears' we made to illustrate our learning.

Ears/Hearing = Jingle Bells

Eyes/Seeing = Googley Eyes

Nose/ Smelling= Cotton ball sprayed with perfume
Tongue/Tasting= Chewing Gum

Paws/Touching= Sand Paper

SMELL: We smelled 6 mystery bags (cotton balls soaked in vinegar, garlic, baby oil, pickle juice, perfume, and mouthwash). Our favorite scent was the perfume, but mouthwash was a close second!

TASTE: We had a tasting party to see which flavor we preferred.....

Most of us chose the sour candy over the salty and sweet treats :-)

SIGHT: We used our sight to classify items by color, size, and shape!

HEARING: We listened to mystery sounds and guessed their source!

TOUCH: We touched different fabrics and described them (soft, rough, prickly, smoothe)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Welcome to KinderStreet!

Thank you for visiting KinderStreet!
I will be using this blog to serve as a resource for other teachers, to provide kindergarten students a safe, online playground where they can easily navigate using my kid-friendly links (to the left), and also to communicate with the parents of the students in my class.
Please keep in mind that KinderStreet is a work in progress!