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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Send Ms. Taylor to Uganda!

Click here and 'like' my comment at the bottom. If my comment has the most 'likes' by March 11th, I get to go on a free mission trip to Uganda with a ministry that I love and support. Thank you SO MUCH for your help! Tell a friend! :-)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Thank you, Dr. Seuss!

Dr. Seuss week is my FAVORITE WEEK of Kindergarten! It falls about the time when the children are starting to take great leaps in their learning and all their hard work of learning how to read and write is finally paying off! It is my greatest joy to shower them with Dr. Seuss books and listen to them read. They are READERS! Dr. Seuss books also lend themselves to so many life lessons: Bartholomew and the Oobleck (the power of an apology/being grateful for what you have), The Lorax (taking care of our environment/not being greedy), and Horton Hears a Who (equal rights/ having a voice) are just a few of my favorites. Not only do the books lend themselves to great discussion, but they are also incredible resources for teaching rhyming words. And hey, I never pass up a good excuse to eat during class! I made green eggs and ham for the kiddos on Friday, and to their (and my) surprise, many of them actually liked it! And let's not forget about our science experiment with Oobleck. We made the green gunk that fell from the sky in Dr. Seuss's book and discovered that it was both a solid AND a liquid, depending on how much force was applied to it!

The kiddos requested that I send their mommies and daddies the recipes for the Oobleck and the Green Eggs & Ham. Of course they didn't believe me when I said "Your mommy already knows how to make the green eggs, dear. Trust me." So, I promised I'd put both recipes on the blog.

Mix 1 cup water with 1 drop of green food coloring.
Mix in 1 1/2 - 2 cups of corn starch, depending on how solid you prefer your Oobleck. You'll have to play around with it to get the perfect amount.
Notice that if you grab or squeeeze the Oobleck, it acts as a solid, but if you pour the Oobleck, it acts as a liquid.

Green Eggs:
Pour 1 cup of liquid eggs into skillet over medium high heat.
Add one drop of green food coloring.
Add cheddar cheese, salt, and pepper.

Buy sandwich ham from grocery store, open package, and serve :-)