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Sunday, March 4, 2012


Followers, (both of you), I sincerely apologize for not updating you more often on the goings-on of Ms. Taylor's Busy Bees. Sometimes life just gets in the way :-).
I have compiled a few of the latest events to share in this post. I hope you enjoy!

Last week was Dr. Seuss Week!! We celebrated the incredible talent of the late children's author all week long. I was so proud of the superb work the Busy Bees did on their first ever book reports (pictured below.)

During Dr. Seuss Week, we were studying the states of matter (solids, liquids, and gases). After learning and experimenting with the three types, we set out to cook up a mixture that would baffle us at its ability to resemble both a solid AND a liquid. Oobleck!! Dr. Seuss writes of this insanely fun substance in his book Bartholomew and the Oobleck. We made it using corn starch, water, and green food coloring. The corn starch never quite mixes with the water. If you grab it firmly, it feels like a solid, but if you poke at it gently or turn it to pour, it acts as a liquid. I don't care how old you are, this experiment is always fun!!

On Thursday, I had one of those fabulous teacher moments where I realized just how far my precious students had come since August. I whipped out my camera and started taking pictures and video. They were reading Dr. Seuss books all on their own and were ENJOYING it!!! My heart smiles to see a child who enjoys reading.

Another huge event that took place recently was the Buzz Run. We ran our little hearts out to earn money for our school! This was such a fun event and we even got to enjoy a popsicle after all that hard work. Well worth it!

I hope you feel a little more caught up on our life as Busy Bees. I will say, I have tried to update many times, but the old 'blogger' format was not working with me very well! Now that I have the updated version, I will be updating more often :-)
Have a blessed week,

Ms. Taylor & The Busy Bees